Aug 20, 2024
The E.M.O.T.E. Model
Welcome to the world of the E.M.O.T.E. Model—a fun and practical way to turn workplace emotions into professional growth!
Since this is our FIRST edition, let me give you a quick highlight and breakdown of what to expect.
Each week, we’re going to explore a different emotion. We'll chat about how this emotion shows up in your work life, why it’s a big deal, and learn how to listen to our emotions to grow as professionals.
This week, we’re chatting about engagement—you know, that magical feeling when you’re so connected to your work that time flies (and you might even forget about lunch).
Why focus on engagement?
Because when you’re fully engaged, you’re not just working—you’re thriving.
Let’s dive into how you can harness this powerful emotion to elevate your career.
Emotion of the Week: Engagement
E – Explore Engagement is when you’re all in, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally.
You know those moments when you’re so into a project that time flies?
Its that spark you feel when you’re fully invested in a conversation, a project, or even a simple interaction.
It’s the difference between just going through the motions and genuinely connecting with what you’re doing—and with those around you.
What does ENGAGEMENT feel like to you?
M – Message Engagement is like your internal compass, pointing you toward what really matters.
⭐ If you’re feeling disengaged, it might be a sign that something’s off—maybe your tasks don’t align with your strengths, or there’s a lack of clarity in your role.
⭐ On the flip side, when you’re fully engaged, it’s a signal that you’re doing something right.
It’s worth listening to what this emotion is telling you because it’s all about finding meaning and purpose in your work.
What is your engagement level telling you?
O – Observe Let’s do a little experiment: Throughout your workday, pay attention to when you feel most engaged.
⭐ Is it during team brainstorms?
⭐ When you’re diving into a challenging project? Or
⭐ Maybe when you’re helping a colleague?
Notice what lights you up and, just as importantly, what dims your enthusiasm.
These observations are key to understanding what drives your engagement—and where things might need a little tweak.
Based on your observation, when do you feel most engaged?
T – Transform So, what do you do when you hit a disengagement slump?
Start with small changes.
⭐ If a task feels like a drag, try connecting it to a bigger goal or personal value.
⭐ Set mini-goals to give it more purpose.
⭐ And if you’re leading a team, think about how you can create opportunities for others to engage—whether it’s through clearer communication or giving them projects that align with their interests.
It’s all about making your work feel more meaningful.
What action can you take to transform you engagement?
E – Empower Here’s the fun part: You have the power to boost your own engagement.
⭐ Whether that means shaking up your routine,
⭐ Having a conversation with your boss about what really gets you going, or
⭐ Even creating a more engaging atmosphere for your team—take the reins.
The more engaged you are, the less stressed and more satisfied you’ll be.
Remember, engagement is a choice, and it starts with the small steps you take every day.
What action will you take to empower your engagement today?